
Friday, December 7, 2018

Extremely Dangerous Fire Lipter

Extremely Dangerous Fire Lipter

Spotted by some of the most risk taking deep sea divers which are louie templeton and a few other people. It all started on a misty rainy day when the divers decided to head out to sea. Little by little the orange-yellow mystical creature crept up behind they're mini boat and they suspected nothing! Until he showed himself. One of the divers described this creature as a squid like form with fire tips on the end of its tentacles and a long neck that he assumed colour changed. One day one of the oldest men in the team volunteered to go

A sketch by Jessica H. that describes this creature better

Further in this discovery and mysteriously took longer than usual. Finally he came back with a blind eye and a burnt arm that had completely turned black. Thank goodness he's still alive and here to tell the story. He said the only thing he remembers is a spark of pink squirting right at him perhaps it's some sort of ink? Apparently this peculiar creature has been spotted before and the man said he’d been bitten by it’s dark purple teeth that turned out to be poisonous and several minutes later the hopeful man be continued.